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Abandonment Series

This series is about Abandonment. I felt this subject relates to our current events dealing with COVID. We have had to abandon most of our routines and everyday activities. I chose to photograph some of the buildings and landmarks at Fort McClellan, AL because this was a thriving place when I was growing up. The Fort closed in 1999 and is now a mixed-use community with bike trails, neighborhoods, businesses, and a golf course. 

I chose the look from a Holga camera and a wet plate process for some of these images.

The beauty of a Holga camera is that it has natural imperfections,

a vignette, long exposure times that gives the image a blurred or static look, and light flares. 
I chose this style because people may not use a Holga camera because of imperfections.

It makes the image look older and grainy and shows unwanted specks of light and spots.

But I felt it was fitting for the decaying unwanted buildings. 

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